Garage Door Won’t Stay Open

No matter what the trouble may be, finding that your own garage door does not function properly can be completely frustrating, especially at a time when you are in a hurry to get in or out of the house properly to keep your day on schedule. Your Griffin, GA garage door may not be staying up properly due to springs not holding as they should or the track being out of alignment. But, with broken springs there is the potential of a door crashing to the ground because the garage door won’t stay open, which could cause physical harm to anyone who may by chance get in the way. 

24 hour Griffin Garage Door repair
24 hour Griffin Garage Door repair

Because these doors not staying open is basically unsafe, it is definitely something to deal with right away. See the steps below to evaluate the potential problem on your own, and if you cannot see anything that may be easy to solve on your end then calling a professional like Griffin Garage Door Repair may be helpful with the 24/7 emergency service that is available. It is helpful to know that a local experienced technician is available anytime these issues occur in order to prevent true dangerous emergencies from happening later. It is important to remember that experienced garage door professionals can handle springs in the best and safest manner, so know that there is one available locally. 

If your garage door slips down below the header after you have opened it, you garage door springs need to be adjusted. There are two different types of spring systems for garage doors. Torsion springs are mounted directly above the door and need to be wound with special tools. Adjustments to these types of spring should only be done by a professional. Extension springs stretch along the top track on each side. These types of springs can be adjusted by the homeowner.

The commercial and residential garage door professionals at Griffin Garage Door Repair have basically handled every possible issue there is. However, there are always potential surprises out there. Although uncommon, our technicians are prepared 24/7 to come and help with anything you were unable to find. It is, however, quite helpful for you to take a complete look around to make sure that it isn’t something simple before calling the professionals to come out and take care of the problem.

Some key troubles that you can check include the transmitter batteries (in the remote or on the door) being dead, a technical error with the transmitters, the photo eye is out of alignment, the track has fallen out of line, something blocking the door’s path, broken springs, door limits in need of reset, the disconnect switch enabled, the manual lock has been set, or even the garage door tension springs or cables have been broken. The farther down the line you get with checking these items it can get to be a little dangerous. If you find yourself having trouble seeing anything or catching the trouble, then you can always leave it for the garage door professionals to do a final check to make sure the proper repair is made safely.

Here are some easy steps to check your garage doors to make sure you know what the problem is and if you will be able to make the fix on your own before calling a professional garage door repair service like ours:

Step 1 – Raise the garage door up to its fully open position. Secure the garage door in this position by clamping vice grips on the vertical track directly below the bottom panel.
Step 2 – Locate the cable clip that is attached to an s-hook toward the front of the horizontal track. Disconnect the s-hook from the track.
Step 3 – Untie the cable from the cable clip, but do not remove it from the clip. Pull forward on the cable until the spring just begins to resist using one hand. Slide the clip down the cable with the other hand until the front of the clip is about one inch from the last adjusting hole on the track. Hold it there while slowly releasing the tension.
Step 4 – Tie the cable securely to the cable clip and insert the s-hook back into it. Grab the cable again with one hand and pull until you can insert the s-hook back into an adjustment hole on the track.
Step 5 – Repeat the previous steps for the opposite side of the door. The goal is to have the same amount of tension on each side of the door.
Step 6 – Hold the garage door and remove grips from the track after the spring tension has been adjusted. Release your hold on the door and see if it stays up all the way. Slowly close your door about halfway and release it. Ideally, the door should slowly float up from this point.
Step 7 – Close the door completely and release it. The door should stay closed. If it doesn’t, make further adjustments. If adjustments cannot fix the issue, then replacement springs may be necessary.

It is a good idea to keep from parking your car in the garage while you are unsure of the status of the door. If you believe it may be dangerous it is good to make sure and wait until a professional has come to complete the repairs. Considering the weight of most garage doors and the large amount of force from the springs it could be damaging to your car, and potentially you, if the door were to collapse on you while entering or exiting the garage. Especially considering the potential that with a family the kids’ toys and athletic equipment often have them entering and exiting the garage, making it dangerous for them as well. It is likely a good idea to tell everyone that the garage door must stay closed until it is fixed, especially if you are having trouble with it working properly because of the springs or cables. 


Garage Door Repairs and Maintenance

Garage doors lead pretty simple lives. Up, down, up, down, over and over until they suddenly don’t work the way they should. Fortunately, that simple life usually makes for relatively simple repairs. Sometimes, though, even reliable old garage doors bite the dust.

If you are having trouble with your garage door, here are some tips on what to do.

Quick Garage Door Fixes

When your garage door starts acting up, more often than not it is telling you it’s time to do a bit of maintenance. So, before hitting the panic button, try these simple repairs. First, examine the rollers and tracks. If you can’t remember the last time you cleaned them (and they look the part!), give them a good brushing and then add some lubricant. Next, perform these simple garage door maintenance tasks.

If none of this fixes your problems, or if you would rather just let someone else fuss with the problem, take a look at how to find the best garage door installers and repairmen.

Silencing a Noisy Garage Door

Noisy garage doors cause all kinds problems, especially for anyone who has to sleep above or next to the garage. Fortunately, most noisy garage door problems can be fixed with a combination of routine maintenance and the replacement of a few parts.

Frozen Garage Door?

It is precisely on those coldest days of the year when you most need and appreciate the convenience of opening and closing your garage door quickly. Sadly, those also happen to be the kinds of days when cold and moisture combine to make this difficult. Garage doors can and do freeze to the garage floor. Sometimes it is a minor icy connection between the two that can be broken when you hit the opener button.

Other times, however, the door refuses to budge. When this happens to you, stop hoping that if you hit that button enough times, a miracle will happen. About the only thing that is going to happen is that you cause a much bigger problem with the garage door opener (including, but not limited to, stripped gears, broken coils and burned out motor).

Instead, take a few moments that break the connection. Use a heat gun or hair dryer to melt the ice. Standard de-icing products will also work. And, if you are careful not to damage the door or the seal on the bottom of the door, use a flat shovel or similar tool to chip away at the ice.

Once you get the door open, clear any water, ice or snow from the spot on the garage floor where the door rests when closed. That way, you should be able to plan on getting the door open next time you need it.

Replacing Broken Glass

Regardless of the cause of broken glass in your garage, this is one problem you want to fix as soon as possible. Broken glass is a safety issue, a security problem, and an invitation to every bird and hornet in the neighborhood to make your garage their next home.

It’s not difficult to replace a pane of glass. Learn how with these instructions.

Keep It Safe

Garage doors are much safer these days than they used to be. That is especially true of garage doors equipped with garage door openers. Older garage door openers did not have the kinds of safety features that would stop them from closing on a child or pet wandering in or out of the garage while the door closed. That made for many tragic stories.

But the improvements in safety haven’t eliminated safety concerns when it comes to garage doors. Everyone needs to understand how to stay safe in the garage.

Garage Door Opener Problems

Have you ever noticed just how much you use, and rely on, your garage door opener? Sure, we spend the big bucks for attractive front doors to our homes, but for many of us, the actual coming and going takes place through the garage. And that means we depend on the garage door opening and closing at the press of a button.

So, when the garage door opener decides to take a day off, it can leave you stuck outside, probably during a rain or snow storm. Though they may seem complicated, there really are several things most homeowners can do to diagnose and repair opener failures.

Replacing a Garage Door

There are really only a couple of reasons why you would consider replacing your garage door. Either it has stopped working properly, or you are sick of the way it looks. Most often, it is some combination of those two factors.

Unfortunately, shopping for a new garage door isn’t a particularly easy process. Most of us rarely perform this type of shopping, and there really aren’t a lot of consumer publications offering solid information on the best choices.

It helps to break things down into bite-sized pieces. Your first thought might be along the lines of “What is a new garage door going to cost me?” A good place to look for answers to that question is with these frequently asked questions about the costs of a new garage door.

From there, you ought to consider the different materials that garage doors are constructed from. Once you understand something about materials, you then need to make sure you choose the style of garage door that best complements your house.

Concerned about doing the right thing for the environment? Then take a look at Choosing a Green Garage Door.

Finally, once you’ve narrowed down the type of garage door you want to grace the front of your garage, you will want to get the best deal on a garage door replacement. And part of that process will probably require that you find a good garage door installer.


Original Article Here: Garage Door Repairs and Maintenance

Related Article Here: 3 Quick Tips for Garage Door Repair & Maintenance in Issaquah


Let the professional handle you garage door repair concerns. Griffin Garage Door Repair is just one call away from you!

Garage Door Issues as the Temperature Drops

Although Georgia usually enjoys warm temperatures all year round, during the winter the temperature can drop significantly enough to cause issues, especially at night and in the early morning. While it’s rare in warmer climates, it’s not unheard of, and happens more often than you might expect. If you’ve noticed a problem with your garage door during the colder weather, read on to see if you can diagnose and manage the process yourself. We’ve also included tips that may affect your friends and relatives in colder climates, so you can know what to look for if you’re going on vacation or out of town.  


  1. Your Door Behaves Unusually 

Colder weather can make your garage door behave in a more finicky fashion. Your remote control might start only working occasionally. Your door might become more difficult to close or open, or get stuck on the track in the middle of operating. Cold weather can even cause interference with the sensors on your garage door, causing your door to reverse before hitting the ground. Any time your garage door acts unusually, it’s important not to ignore the problem and hope it will go away. Most problems with your garage door can’t be resolved on their own without assistance. Unusual behavior from your door can have a variety of causes, which is why it’s important to have the door inspected by a trained professional.  

  1. The Metal Contracts 

Usually in Griffin, like most of Georgia, the temperature does not drop low enough to cause this problem. However, on the occasional extra cold night, especially with older doors, the metal on the tracks of the doors can contract due to the cold. This causes a tighter fit for the garage door while moving in the tracks, which can stress the motor of the garage door opener mechanism as it tries to compensate. This can cause your garage door to halt in the middle of moving up and down, or appear to be sticking as it moves. This can wear out your tracks over time, warping them out of shape. The extra work for your motor can also wear that component down.  

The metal contracting can also be a source of breakage for the other parts of your garage door mechanism. Because the metal becomes more prone to damage, colder weather can be a source of stress on your garage door opener mechanism.  

  1. The Door Stickson the Tracks 

The door sticking to the tracks only in colder weather is usually a sign that the grease that normally lubricates the tracks to make for an easy glide has become thick due to lower temperatures. This can cause the lubricant to clump up and thicken. Don’t apply grease to your door tracks yourself, as it is often unnecessary, and too much can fall prey to this problem. Sometimes it can get so bad that the tracks themselves need to be replaced. Luckily, this doesn’t happen often, but it’s still something to watch out for.  

  1. Ice Causes the Door to Stick to the Floor

This is an extremely uncommon problem in our region, but in areas with snow and ice, this can be a potential threat. The ice gathers around the base of the door when it’s closed and then freezes the door in place on the floor. Usually, the homeowner doesn’t discover that this has happened until the next morning when they try to open the garage door, which can of course be a major headache. If you have family or additional housing in an area with a colder climate, you can prevent this issue by keeping the snow shoveled away from the bottom of your garage door, and also by using a cooking spray to mist the door before the ice begins.  

  1. Troublewiththe Garage Door Springs 

The springs that control the movement of your door are under a great deal of tension to perform their jobs. In colder weather, metal becomes more prone to damage, especially under this kind of tension. Older springs that have been through this process many times are especially susceptible to breakage. Unfortunately, if you’re not paying attention, the first sign you may notice of your garage door springs going bad is when the door slams shut. This can be a scary and even dangerous situation. Usually, however, there are warning signs that the springs are going bad if you know how to look for them. These signs include your door making more noise when you lift and lower it, and the door shaking, wobbling, or displaying other odd behavior when you open it.  

  1. The Door Becomes Very Noisy

While excess noise can be a sign of a problem with the springs, this annoying problem can also be caused by a variety of sources that may occur in colder weather. This can include problems with the cables, lack of sufficient lubrication on the moving parts of the machine to assist with the weight of the door, and potentially even the motor working too hard due to poor alignment or other problems. While these issues can crop up at any time of the year, they are most likely to be caused by weather and temperature fluctuations. Because both plastic and metal get more brittle in the winter, the vibrations from the door’s mechanism can also cause stress cracks in the parts that make up the door opener mechanism, which can lead to moisture getting in and rusting.  

Be sure to avoid making any major adjustments or repair attempts to your garage door yourself, especially if you have no prior experience with garage door repair. While it might seem tempting to try and save money by purchasing the parts and doing the work yourself, that is a very dangerous and potentially costly prospect. In particular, spring repair and replacements are jobs that should be left to the professionals, because all of the tension they are under can make them dangerous for the untrained person. You won’t regret making a service call to a company like Griffin Garage Door Repair when you avoid any kind of mistakes or hazards in repairing your door.  

Griffin Garage Door Repair in Griffin, GA: Door Closure Problems

Everything was going perfectly well with your garage door. All of a sudden, one day you realize that it is not closing. No matter what you do, you just can’t get the door to close. What can you do? Who can you turn to for assistance? 

Well, if you had a garage door repair company that you rely on for services, you could easily call them. If you don’t, now is the time to find one. If your garage door manual cannot help you to resolve the problem, you will definitely need to hire some good garage door services.  

garage door closure

Griffin Garage Door Repair in Griffin, GA is one of the best companies in the area. If you happen to be anywhere in the Griffin area, reach out to us. We offer emergency services and we work by appointments. We will stop by your home, diagnose the problem and make sure that we work towards getting that door up and running in the shortest time possible.  

Problems with Your Garage Door 

So, you paid a ton of money for your garage door because you thought it would last forever without giving problems. We’re sorry that you have to experience this inconvenience. But, we wished you had known that all garage doors are susceptible to problems. Some may face them sooner rather than later and some may give more trouble than others. But, at some point, you may need professional help with your garage door 

The type of problems that you encounter can vary a lot. Although it seems to be just one little door, a lot goes into its functioning and there are several moving parts. So, depending on what is happening with your garage door, the nature of the problem will vary.  

Here are a few problems that homeowners commonly experience with their garage door.  

  • The door doesn’t close all the way to the ground 

If you notice this problem, the first thing to do is check for any obstruction to the garage door. Sometimes, there may be some small object or debris stuck in the tracks that is preventing the door from closing properly. If you check and this is not the problem, your close limit switch may need some adjusting. If you are unable to adjust it, call your technician for help. 

  • The door begins to close but then reverses and stay open 

This problem may be a bit annoying, especially since you may already start walking away once the door begins to close. If the door reverses, it may mean that a cable is broken or some adjusting is necessary. It could also be a symptom of a misaligned track, or a bent track. The best way to handle this problem is by calling the professionals. Remember, it is never smart to work on your garage door when you are not trained to do so. 

  • After it touches the ground, the door goes back up 

Usually, this is a simple fix. It is usually an indication that the close limit switch needs some adjusting. If you are not able to adjust the switch, make sure you call and request professional garage door service. A professional should be able to correct this problem in a very short time. 

  • The garage door is stuck 

Do you clean the tracks of your garage door often enough to prevent a build-up of debris? If there are items in the track, they can prevent your door from moving. Sometimes, a stuck door occurs because of bent tracks or broken cables too. Don’t try to straighten the track though. Seek professional help. We are sure you do not want to cause more damage to the garage door.  

  • The door opens very slowly 

The springs on your garage door play a very important part in how the door opens. If you notice that the garage door is not opening as fast as it normally does, you should check the springs. It is not recommended that you tamper with the springs on your garage door though. If the door comes tumbling down, it will be too heavy for you to do anything about it. Just call and request professional garage door services from a garage door repair company in your area. 

  • You hear a loud sound and then the door stops working 

That loud sound that you just heard is most likely your spring as it broke. Even though it is easy to replace springs, it is very important that you know what you’re doing. This is why spring repairs are best left to the professionals. Don’t worry. It’s a quick fix. Your garage door can be back to working as normal in a very short time.  

  • The door doesn’t stay open 

This is usually a spring problem as well. Call your garage door repair company and let them send a technician out to you to have a look. They should be able to repair or replace that spring for you. 

  • You cannot get the door to open 

There are so many things that can cause this problem. From the springs to the tracks, there is no way of knowing what is really wrong until you inspect the door. If the tracks are bent, that will be very easy for you to notice, but if there is spring damage, you may not be able to see it. Just call the professionals for help. 

  • You hear sounds when the door is moving 

If you are hearing a pop sound, it could be the rollers. If it more of a squeaky sound, this means that some moving parts need lubrication. If you lubricate those rollers and bearings and the sounds persist, call your garage door company.  

If you live in Griffin, it won’t be difficult for you to find a good garage door repair company. Griffin Garage Door Repair in Griffin, GA provides so many garage door services. We know that no matter what has gone wrong with your garage door, we can diagnose and fix it. Need some assistance with your garage door? Give us a call today. We’re open 24/7, so call us at any time.

Follow These Steps For Finding A Local Garage Door Repair Service

As a homeowner, you probably know about the hassles of dealing with a broken or non-functional garage door. Repairing garage doors requires professional expertise, and there are plenty of garage door services around. In this post, we have enlisted the steps you should follow for finding a reliable service.

Ask around

Talk to your friends, relatives or neighbors to know about the best garage door repair services. Ask about their experience and why they liked or disliked a service. If you don’t have that option, you can always check online to find local listings. Check the reviews and feedback from other customers, so find the nature of complaints against a particular service.

Find more about a service

As a client, you should consider asking a few relevant questions, such as –

  1. Is the company licensed? Do they have the necessary permissions to take up repair contracts?
  2. What kind of services do they offer?
  3. Do they have an in-house team of repairmen? Does the company hire day laborers? Do they train their team members additionally?
  4. Do they offer a quote for the job in advance? If yes, will they offer a service agreement?
  5. Do they offer any warranty on their services?
  6. What kind of doors do they repair – wood, glass, steel, and craftsman?

Insurance matters

A professional garage door repair service will always have insurance cover to keep their clients protected against possible mishaps. Workplace accidents are common in the service sector, and if their workers are injured at the site, they must have workers’ compensation insurance to handle the medical bills and other expenses. They must also have general liability insurance, which will cover any damage or loss to your property, owing to the mistake of their repairmen. Don’t believe in tall claims, unless you have checked the papers.

Check for emergency assistance

One fine day, you might return home to a broken garage door, and in such urgent times, you would expect immediate assistance. The response time of the repair service is one of the many factors that matter in the long run. You need a company that’s accessible and available for emergency needs. Try calling to a few hotline numbers to know if your phone is attended by a real human and not a computer.

Ask for a quote

Typically, when you call a repair service, they will send their executives, who will check the overall work before offering a quote. The estimate may or may not include the cost of replacement parts, and that’s something you need to check. If they have a warranty on their services, you need to know the terms and conditions as well. Also, ask for a service agreement and try to understand the relevant aspects that may concern the terms of their services.

If required, ask for a few client references, so that you can compare the services better. Unless you are in an emergency, do check the website of the concerned company to understand the highlights of their services.

Original Article Here: Follow These Steps For Finding A Local Garage Door Repair Service

Related Article Here: 5 Helpful Tips When Hiring a Garage Door Repair Company

Finding a garage door repair is quite easy today by means of internet. However, always read the background of such service that you want to hire. Griffin Garage Door Repair had already gained bunch of good reviews coming from their past customers! Be one of them now!